Église Saint-Vincent-de-Paul de Paris

The impressive façade of this church sits atop a hill in the 10ème arrondissement 
with a broad entrance at Place Franz-Liszt.  
Completed in 1844 by Jacques Hittorff, there are a series of ramps 
which were originally designed to aid access by horse-drawn carriages.  
Today, there are a series of gardens leading up to the front steps.

Seen above the portico is a pediment sculpted by Charles-François Leboeuf-Nanteuil 
on the glorification of Saint Vincent-de-Paul.  
He is seen surrounded by figures symbolizing his saintly actions.

We arrived just as the doors were closing at noon and so we left to return later, 
just as I will bring you back here soon 
to see the inside of this large church and the treasures it holds.

bon dimanche

Église Saint-Vincent-de-Paul de Paris
Place Franz-Liszt
75010, Paris
Métro Poissonnière


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