Boulangerie, pâtisserie, fromagerie, charcuterie,
épicerie, marchand de vin....

How can you not love the French language with the beautiful sounds of these words! As a quiz, which of the above does not belong? You say "marchand de vin" as there is no alliteration? Oh, mais non! Je pense que tu te tort because how can you stop at each of these and not also stop in at the wine shop for une bouteille de vin rosé to round out le dîner? (Trick question, n'est-ce pas?)

J'adore baguettes! At any time of day you will likely find a queue for the warm baguettes, and the aroma of baking bread will lure you off the street. I found this scene at Boulangerie St Louis (on Ile Saint Louis) on my recent June trip to Paris, and identified with the young woman who seems to be having trouble with her decision. The little person in the stroller looks quite interested as well!


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